In some, coals and embers that once seemed cold and empty are warming. They see the glowing embers as the maximum of their potential. But this is not true says the Lord. For I am stirring the coals of imagination. Ideas, concepts, and revelation are being stirred up. Those ideas that once seemed to have never manifested are heating up in the hearts and minds of my people again. But ideas are not My best! Allow the flames to build! Concepts to build. Fan the flames of your Spirit and I will show you not only the idea, but the full revelation! Now is the time to revisit the dreams I have given you! Now is the time to revisit the ideas I have given you. You have not been passed up! You have not missed it! Now is your season! I have not given you these visions for yourself. I give in abundance to those I can trust! I trust you for the great! I can trust you because of your fervent prayer, your limitless giving, and your continual obedience. Keep praying! Keep giving! Keep listening for and obeying My voice. --Prophecy by Zane Willis